My hair is straight like a broom
it does not curl or bend
pitch black like deep ocean
Abue says I have "Indio hair"
does not listen to law or assimilates
it does what it wants
my hair has never been called beautiful
its ordinary
there is nothing exceptional about it
during school pictures mami
would gel, spray,mousse place saliva
just so it could stay in place
even then there was one pelito that did what it wanted
A book once told me
the first thing missionaries would do to indios
was to cut off their hair
this pitch black straight hair
collected in bundles and set on fire
they did this so we would forget
but my body remembers
I look in a mirror
frustrated at this stubborn hair
wanting it to be something that its not
wanting it to be something less stubborn
my sight fixates on my eyes
and something inside me tells me to write this poem